Come join me "upstairs" from the Studio, a place to relax and talk with friends. Here you'll find clips of my stuff, woolgathering about the animals in the family, news about shows and events and links to other sites that I find too good not to mention. Pull up a cushion and have some cake( there should always be cake) and tea, and lets discuss the amazing world of Art in it's many forms!

CottonWoolBaby Studio

CottonWoolBaby Studio

Poetic thought

Windy Nights
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Whenever the moon and stars are set,
Whenever the wind is high,
All night long in the dark and wet,
A man goes riding by.
Late in the night when the fires are out,
Why does he gallop and gallop about?

Whenever the trees are crying aloud,
And ships are tossed at sea,
By, on the highway, low and loud,
By at the gallop goes he.
By at the gallop he goes, and then
By he comes back at the gallop again.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Post Hurricane...

Finally starting to get back to normal after a week of fear, hype and preparations for the "Frankenstorm". We came through with only some lost branches off the trees, so much more fortunate than many in our area.
I know of at least one Artist from the Art Dolls Only team who has lost her studio; please keep all who have had losses in your thoughts and prayers.

Work for me has been difficult to concentrate on but also a saving grace.

I've begun the sculpt for the Artist Doll andTeddy Bear 2013 Convention.
The challenge is for Doll makers to make a Bear, and Bear Artists to make a doll.
I'm glad I have until May!

Meanwhile, my little black kitten HAD to have a "kitten in the pumpkin" picture taken.

It's corny, but I've never had a little black kitten before, and the timing is perfect! Next year she'll be too big to fit!
So until next time, stay safe (and dry)!

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